Author: ivascucristian
Maybe this is old, but I just found out: MovableType went open source with one of their branches. There is still a paid version, but is seems that the open source version can do everything that MT 4.1 could. Find out more details on their site, here and you can download the latest nightly build…
De vineri
Cum maine e vineri, uite un clip amuzant pentru cei care muncesc:
Transition (almost) over
Finally I’ve taken a few hours to put in practice what I have been planning for my blogs: stop them. This applies to my two previous blogs, at (the technical one) and (the personal one). The reason is simple: time. I cannot find enough time to clean up the draft posts for both…
Why canβt we just erase accounts?
We optimized the way we create accounts on various sites. We optimized how to recover lost passwords or set preferences. Bt why can’t we do the same to remove an account? Most people already have this: too many accounts on sites / web applications that they no longer use, like or are even annoyed. But…
Post Flex Camp
Last night was Flex Camp. We had a bunch of people coming, talked about Flex (and a little bit about AIR) and it was great. It really was to see the people that will use the products that you’re working on in person, not only over the forums. It’s great to see the enthusiasm and…
FlexCamp is upon us
Today at Adobe Romania takes place the FlexCamp Bucharest. It’s a conference about Flex which had already sold out in the first three weeks from its announcements. I will hold a camp session showing off the improvements we have added into Flex Builder in terms of web services – the introspection wizard which generates strong…
Interacting with computers
This is not a so much technical post. Instead it shows what I’ve come to observe for some time now. You can call this midnight ramblings of a curious mind. Initially users interacted with their terminals via text. Keyboard commands ruled the all mighty PC. They were pre-defined, had a specific syntax and could do…
Ti-a placut un produs de pe site?
Atunci trimite-l in PLM. Nu, nu e chiar acronimul la care s-a gandit toata lumea (subsemnatul included) cand a vazut asta prima data. E un serviciu al celor de la ShopIT care permite cumparatorilor sa isi salveze si publice configuratia. Si totusi e foarte amuzant. Mai multe detalii in comunicatul de presa.
Programe nou instalate si care au ramas la mine
Juice – Podcast RSS catcher; downloadeaza podcasturi audio automa. Yupii, no more wget keith_and_the_girl.mp3 π CCleaner (fost CrapCleaner) – mi-a curatat 2 gigade junk! si eu care ma mandream ca imi curat temp-urile destul de des π Windows Media Player 11 – suna mai bine decat winamp-ul pe laptopul meu Thinking Rock2 Epsilon – organizarea…
Silverlight 1.0 is out the door with a surprise
Yesterday Microsoft launched Silverlight 1.0. Officially it is supported by Microsoft on Windows and Mac. So if you’re running on Linux, tough luck. Or is it? Along the lines of what seems to be an ongoing internal disagreement on how to treat open-source, the developer division seems to be the one that opens up first…
How do you create an Apache module for Windows?
Part 2: The Windows way. Until Apache 2.0, the community disregarded using the webserver on Windows systems. It’s true that the 1.3 release also had a Windows version, but it has always seemed that it was treated like the ugly duckling. Even the release notes stated that it works, but it’s not recommended to use…
Guess whoβs back β¦
Dupa multa lupta cu mine, ceasul, lista de task-uri si alte mici amanunte din viata unui programator angajat, dupa vreo cateva idei de a renunta sau de merge am reusit sa postez si pe blogul tehnic. Chiar vreo 2 lucruri π Intai de toate am terminat articolul despre cum sa iti faci propriul modul de…
Hai in tabara
Nu, nu la tabara de la Cernavoda, nici la mare sau la munte, ci in inima Bucurestiului la FlexCamp Bucuresti. Ce mai e si asta? FlexCamp Bucuresti e un eveniment organizat de Adobe Romania unde cei interesati de Flex si AIR (daca nu ai idee ce sunt astea, probabil nu e pentru tine), chiar daca…
Si asa s-a mai dus o vara β¦
Sau mai bine spus concediul de vara pe anul asta. Da, am fost liber sa lenevesc sau sa ma distrez la discretie timp de 2 saptamani (care se incheie peste 2 zile). Am fost la mare (ceva mai mult), am dat si pe la munte (ceva mai putin), am lenevit cat cuprinde si m-am odihnit.…
Vrei sa ai blog?
Cei de la stewboyd au reteta aici Basically se poate rezuma la: implica-te numai daca ai ceva de spus.