Category: Programming

  • But how do I use that code?

    That’s a question I’ve seen quite a few times on the Adobe labs and pre-release forums over the past months. And the question is used in relation with the code being generated by the web service introspection wizard. Although we’ve tried to make the code as simple and versatile as possible, as in to cover…

  • Flex 3, BlazeDS & AIR 1.0 are out!

    Finally, the combination for RIA goodness is upon us. Adobe, through the combined efforts of the Flex, AIR and BlazeDS teams has launched these three products aimed to making the life of web developers a bit easier, and the life of the web user a lot easier. You can check out the products on the…

  • Post Flex Camp

    Last night was Flex Camp. We had a bunch of people coming, talked about Flex (and a little bit about AIR) and it was great. It really was to see the people that will use the products that you’re working on in person, not only over the forums. It’s great to see the enthusiasm and…

  • Silverlight 1.0 is out the door with a surprise

    Yesterday Microsoft launched Silverlight 1.0. Officially it is supported by Microsoft on Windows and Mac. So if you’re running on Linux, tough luck. Or is it? Along the lines of what seems to be an ongoing internal disagreement on how to treat open-source, the developer division seems to be the one that opens up first…

  • How do you create an Apache module for Windows?

    Part 2: The Windows way. Until Apache 2.0, the community disregarded using the webserver on Windows systems. It’s true that the 1.3 release also had a Windows version, but it has always seemed that it was treated like the ugly duckling. Even the release notes stated that it works, but it’s not recommended to use…

  • New Flex Module is out

    A new version of the Flex Module for Apache and IIS has been released on labs late last week. It includes several important changes: 1. A zip folder with instructions for manual installations has been added to help users running Unixes without X and users with more weird configurations with which the installer couldn’t cope…

  • How do you create a new Apache module?

    Maybe this exists well documented somewhere – I couldn’t find it. This last month I had to do some work which involved creating an Apache module from scratch. For Linux and MacOSX creating a module is pretty easy – Apache even lends a hand via the APXS tools. On windows there’s a totally different problem.…

  • FABridge & memory …

    One of the biggest changes in the latest FABridge release is the addition of memory management mechanisms. If until now everything that was passed from ActionScript to JavaScript via the bridge stayed in memory until the page was reloaded, this is true no more. now various objects behave differently with their allocated memory, depending on…

  • A new version of FABridge is out

    … quite some time now actually (from last Tuesday). In case you don’t know already, the Flex-AJAX Bridge (or the much shorter name FABridge) is a library that allows developers integrate Flex applications with JavaScript code. It is a way to access and use Flex components directly from JavaScript code, without duplicating functionality. It allows…

  • The file(s) with no death

    Aas I was working with some ANT scripts today (well, yesterday by the time I finish the post) I stumbled upon a strange situation (or so I thought at first): my ANT task failed when trying to delete some JAR files. I checked the path to the file – it was correct. I checked if…

  • Link preview without the hastle

    Snap launched one of these days a new service called Snap Preview Anywhere that allows bloggers and site owners display a preview of a link’s target as a tool tip. This seems to aim at adding AJAX style value to a site but without all the hard work. The service is embeded into your page…

  • Setting up the envirnoment to develop enterprise Flex apps

    Flex is an Adobe product which enables developers use an enterprise approach to add a rich interface to the web-based applications. It uses both an XML based syntax (the MXML) in order to describe the interfaces and various applications states and ActionScript to tie all of the actions together. You can find out a lot…

  • Thou shalt test your software or else …

    Or else your users will find your bugs the hard way – by crashing into them. And I don’t think anyone wants to see its app go up in flames because of some sloppy developer that forgot to test its library. For some time now I have been working to fix some bugs and add…