Category: General

  • Blogging tools

    This post is not a list of tools to use to make your blogging life easier. Recently I’ve switched my primary laptop from a Lenovo to a Mac. This in turn brought with it a need to change (almost) all of the software I used, including my blogging client. I use a desktop blogging client…

  • Speaking at 360 Flex

    In April I will be speaking at the 360 Flex conference in Italy. I will be talking about webservices and Flex3. The conference will take place between 7 and 9 april in Milan, Italy, so if you’re in Europe you can attend.   Details on the event can be found on the homepage for the…

  • Si s-a mai dus un an

    2007 e cam gata. Si odata cu sfarsitul anului au venit si concediile (o saptamana aproape s-a terminat), timp pentru odihna, stat deoparte de ceea ce inseamna ecran de calculator (n-am rezistat decat cateva zile) si de petrecere. Mai e timp si de meditat la ceea ce am facut bine sau rau in anul care…

  • Interacting with computers

    This is not a so much technical post. Instead it shows what I’ve come to observe for some time now. You can call this midnight ramblings of a curious mind. Initially users interacted with their terminals via text. Keyboard commands ruled the all mighty PC. They were pre-defined, had a specific syntax and could do…

  • Wikipedia out of ca$h?

    Acording to a declaration made by Florence Devouard, Wikipedia may be in the slumps – “At this point, Wikipedia has the financial ressources to run its servers for about 3 to 4 months.”. This may very well be just arather extraordinary example of begging for money, or a way to put itself on the shelf,…

  • Quest for media center

    I’ve decided on the first thing to change in my house this year – I want to hook up my TV to a media center PC. No, not one built specifically, but one I’ll put together using some of the spare parts I already have around and some hat I will buy. But before I…

  • What I want for Christmas …

    Aand yes, I know that Christmas passed already … but it still looks nice and I still like it. In case you like Mac’s you already know what I’m talking about – the iPhone. Although I’m not a big fan of phones (I still use a two year old mobile and I’m happy with it)…

  • G did it again

    Fortune magazine published the list of the best 100 companies to work for. And this year Google was eligible too (it exists for 7 years already). And, in googlish style, it jumped straight to number 1. So it must be a really darn cool place to work for. Check out the entire list here. Unfortunately…

  • The holidays are coming …

    Aand I will (hopefully) have more time to post some more on the blog. I’ve been working with some interesting stuff lately, mostly regarding Flex, Ajax or a combination of the two. So, as I will get some more free time to put my thoughts in order, I’ll post things here. Until then, Merry Christmas.

  • Flash on linux?

    Some time ago Adobe posted on their labs a Beta version of Flash Player 9 for Linux. A much expected move, as most other will confirm. And now, when doing a new install of Ubuntu Edgy, and following the standard steps to install the flash player i discovered that the beta 9 player was installed…

  • Link preview without the hastle

    Snap launched one of these days a new service called Snap Preview Anywhere that allows bloggers and site owners display a preview of a link’s target as a tool tip. This seems to aim at adding AJAX style value to a site but without all the hard work. The service is embeded into your page…

  • Games + Web = Flash

    Or the other way around. I’m not a big gamer, at least not in the last years (heh, the Fallout and Warcraft era has fallen) but one of the games I have played and enjoyes was StarCraft. Not the campaigns or the single scenarios, but for its multiplayer. Although, one has to admit that the…

  • Microsoft hoax – the new M$ Firefox

    As noted yesterday by Ionut (in romanian), The Register pulled a nice one on Microsoft and made public a news on the aquisition and subsequent release of the Microsoft Firefox 2007 browser. Hey, even the website has some of the Microsoft characteristics – a constant push to upgrade to the professional version. Overall, a nice…

  • YANB – short for Yet Another Blog

    Aafter being a while on blogspot and Yahoo 360 I have decided to get a fresh, clean start with a blog engine that I personally like. And since at the moment I do not have the time (and mood) to put up my own server I opted for the wordpress hosted blogs. I hope I’ll…