Author: ivascucristian

  • Flex API contest extended

    The guys with the Flex 360 conference have extended the deadline for their Flex API contest, so that participants for Europe can sign in as well, The new deadline is 4th of April, the friday before the conference begins. See more information on this here and here. Also, there’s almost a month to go until…

  • Preview handlers

    I’m using Office 2007 for some time now and the ability to preview the content of some files without actually opening them in the dedicated editor is quite nice. It’s a pity that the number of supported file types is so small. A good thing is that they everyone can create such a preview handler,…

  • But how do I use that code?

    That’s a question I’ve seen quite a few times on the Adobe labs and pre-release forums over the past months. And the question is used in relation with the code being generated by the web service introspection wizard. Although we’ve tried to make the code as simple and versatile as possible, as in to cover…

  • Flex 3, BlazeDS & AIR 1.0 are out!

    Finally, the combination for RIA goodness is upon us. Adobe, through the combined efforts of the Flex, AIR and BlazeDS teams has launched these three products aimed to making the life of web developers a bit easier, and the life of the web user a lot easier. You can check out the products on the…

  • OpenID’d

    Just got the bug up and running using OpenID – or so I hope – the plugin threw a warning, but seems to work ok … So if you have an OpenID account you can now use it to register or post a comment. The good side – you’re comment will get through moderation (I…

  • Going home

    This week has been intense. I’ve seen lots of opinions and overall learned a lot. And even though San Jose is not the same as San Francisco, I found something to do 🙂 Although I tried to take more photos, as I said in a previous post, I just didn’t had the time. I even…

  • In US

    Right now I’m sitting inside Adobe’s San Jose caffeteria. For a week I will be in San Jose instead of Bucharest, attending some meetings, conferences and other similar stuff. I’ll also try to visit and take a ton of pictures. So for now articles will appear at a completly different time 🙂 I will update…

  • I’ve freed my iPhone

    One thing I hated on the iPhone – not having the option to copy music from two different computers onto it without losing everything. But no more! Some background information: I use a laptop for work and also have about 3 other computers at home. On the home PC’s I have the bulk of my…

  • Is your monitor set up right?

    Test it using the page here. I had to adjust both my contrast and brightness (my LCD was really bright). Btw, the tip they give, for setting the contrast high, at 100 and brightness at 25 is not very accurate, so make sure you pick your own.

  • An update plugin to update the host

    I hate updating wordpress. It takes time and I need to be (slightly) carefull of what I do – I’ve already set up stuff once, I’d really hate to have to do it all over again. So I started for an automatic tool that would do this for me and would run within the confines…

  • Setting up subversion on Windows

    Today I had something to test that required a svn repository. Since my home repository wasn’t answering my calls (well, pings actually) I decided to do a quick install of the svn server on my Windows XP box. From what I remembered it should have been simple enough. After restarting all the process at one…

  • How the mac messed my morning

    Weird title, but true. Today I planned to make my life easier when working with files from my home. For this I want to install a Lamp server using Ubuntu’s Server edition. Since I had a mac handy, I burnt the iso downloaded from the ubuntu site with the Disk utility app. And proceeded to…

  • Speaking at 360 Flex

    In April I will be speaking at the 360 Flex conference in Italy. I will be talking about webservices and Flex3. The conference will take place between 7 and 9 april in Milan, Italy, so if you’re in Europe you can attend.   Details on the event can be found on the homepage for the…

  • My GTD

    Sometime last year I read the Getting Things Done book by David Allen, of which all productivity blogs / sites / news was all about. And I liked it, and it made sense. Then I tried to apply it, religiously. And I failed. Several times actually: The first time I failed because I tried looking…

  • Si s-a mai dus un an

    2007 e cam gata. Si odata cu sfarsitul anului au venit si concediile (o saptamana aproape s-a terminat), timp pentru odihna, stat deoparte de ceea ce inseamna ecran de calculator (n-am rezistat decat cateva zile) si de petrecere. Mai e timp si de meditat la ceea ce am facut bine sau rau in anul care…