Tag: mac

  • Blogging tools

    This post is not a list of tools to use to make your blogging life easier. Recently I’ve switched my primary laptop from a Lenovo to a Mac. This in turn brought with it a need to change (almost) all of the software I used, including my blogging client. I use a desktop blogging client…

  • iPhone reloaded

    Just read the live coverage of the WWDC 2008 keynote by Steve Jobs on Ars Technica and seen details on the second version of the iPhone. Again the rumors were true – the second installement of the phone is more enterprise friendly, but most interesting – it’s got 3G, GPS and a price tag of…

  • How the mac messed my morning

    Weird title, but true. Today I planned to make my life easier when working with files from my home. For this I want to install a Lamp server using Ubuntu’s Server edition. Since I had a mac handy, I burnt the iso downloaded from the ubuntu site with the Disk utility app. And proceeded to…