Category: Links

  • Gestures and interfaces

    Just stumbled on this first chapter of an upcoming book on Gestural Interfaces. It’s pretty interesting to read, and it good me wanting more. I am so putting this book on my Amazon wishlist. Go read the first chapter here.

  • Programe nou instalate si care au ramas la mine

    Juice – Podcast RSS catcher; downloadeaza podcasturi audio automa. Yupii, no more wget keith_and_the_girl.mp3 🙂 CCleaner (fost CrapCleaner) – mi-a curatat 2 gigade junk! si eu care ma mandream ca imi curat temp-urile destul de des 🙁 Windows Media Player 11 – suna mai bine decat winamp-ul pe laptopul meu Thinking Rock2 Epsilon – organizarea…

  • Guess who’s back …

    Dupa multa lupta cu mine, ceasul, lista de task-uri si alte mici amanunte din viata unui programator angajat, dupa vreo cateva idei de a renunta sau de merge am reusit sa postez si pe blogul tehnic. Chiar vreo 2 lucruri 🙂 Intai de toate am terminat articolul despre cum sa iti faci propriul modul de…

  • Feed day today!

    Azi trebuie sa stau cuminte acasa – se repara ferestre, ziduri si alte chestii. Si cum lots of interruptions nu fac prea bine la programare am trecut pe feed reading. Oricum ma plangeam eu mai demult ca tre sa catch up cu reader-ul. Oricum, partea buna e ca am inceput sa folosesc optiunea de feed…

  • Windows poate fi din nou cool

    Si sa faca si ceva bun in acelasi timp. Via Lifehacker am dat peste ShellEnhancer, un utilitar pentru Windows care stie tot felul de trucuri – comenzi activate prin miscarea cursorului in colturile ferestrei, un ALT-TAB mult imbunatatit si un mozaic task switcher care ajuta destul de mult cand ai o tona de ferestre deschise.…

  • Din vremurile bune …

    Provocat de leapsa primita de la Marius (acum cateva zile recunosc) m-am gandit putin la ce jocuri m-au tinut cel mai mult in fata PC-ului. Si, pe scurt, topul meu 5: Sanitarium Diablo I & II Heroes of Might and Magic series (mai ales II-ul mi-a mancat foarte multe nopti) Starcraft Unreal Tournament Bonus: Need…

  • MaxPayne invie?

    Nu-mi place sa scriu “primul post”, mai ales ca nu e nici macar primul blog, asa ca, cum ar spune americanii, “let’s get down on the floor”. Via ArsTehnica, cei care au contribuit major la crearea jocului MaxPayne si-au deschis o noua firma de jocuri, de unde spera sa ne prinda iar in fata PC-urilor.…

  • Checking code coverage

    Well, only writing unit tests is not enough – you still need to know how muchof the code your tests test. This is why a code coverage tool is great. Clover is one of the tols used to compute code coverage and is now updating to a 2.0. The beta is on the site and…

  • Beautify your PC

    For all of you that got bored of the default background images or the plain color, check out this site (via Micro Persuasion).  It has some nifty pictures you can use – some lower quality images which you can download directly, and higher quality images that are available for registered users. Give’em a spin.

  • G did it again

    Fortune magazine published the list of the best 100 companies to work for. And this year Google was eligible too (it exists for 7 years already). And, in googlish style, it jumped straight to number 1. So it must be a really darn cool place to work for. Check out the entire list here. Unfortunately…

  • Battle of the frameworks

    Commercial ones that is. InfoWorld put together four of the largests commercial AJAX frameworks and compared them. And the winner was Backbase. You can read the whole story here.

  • Giveaway software

    Today I stumbled into an applied example of an old marketing principle: give something out for free for a while, hook users onto it and then, if they want it they will pay for it. You would think that applied to software it means demos and trials. So did I until today when I stumbled…

  • Robocop is on his way now

    A bit disturbing I would say, but a step that was predictable .. I only wonder what the specs are for the processor.