Category: IT

  • Install Gitorious on CentOS 5

    Recently I had to install Gitorious on a CentOS machine. Instructions on how to do this are in a document inside the gitorious code base, but since I needed something repeatable and reliable, I’ve turned to my tool of choice – Puppet. So I’ve created a Puppet recipe which installs Gitorious behind a Phusion Passenger/Apache…

  • Gestures and interfaces

    Just stumbled on this first chapter of an upcoming book on Gestural Interfaces. It’s pretty interesting to read, and it good me wanting more. I am so putting this book on my Amazon wishlist. Go read the first chapter here.

  • Preview handlers

    I’m using Office 2007 for some time now and the ability to preview the content of some files without actually opening them in the dedicated editor is quite nice. It’s a pity that the number of supported file types is so small. A good thing is that they everyone can create such a preview handler,…

  • An update plugin to update the host

    I hate updating wordpress. It takes time and I need to be (slightly) carefull of what I do – I’ve already set up stuff once, I’d really hate to have to do it all over again. So I started for an automatic tool that would do this for me and would run within the confines…

  • Setting up subversion on Windows

    Today I had something to test that required a svn repository. Since my home repository wasn’t answering my calls (well, pings actually) I decided to do a quick install of the svn server on my Windows XP box. From what I remembered it should have been simple enough. After restarting all the process at one…

  • How the mac messed my morning

    Weird title, but true. Today I planned to make my life easier when working with files from my home. For this I want to install a Lamp server using Ubuntu’s Server edition. Since I had a mac handy, I burnt the iso downloaded from the ubuntu site with the Disk utility app. And proceeded to…

  • Ti-a placut un produs de pe site?

    Atunci trimite-l in PLM. Nu, nu e chiar acronimul la care s-a gandit toata lumea (subsemnatul included) cand a vazut asta prima data. E un serviciu al celor de la ShopIT care permite cumparatorilor sa isi salveze si publice configuratia. Si totusi e foarte amuzant. Mai multe detalii in comunicatul de presa.

  • Programe nou instalate si care au ramas la mine

    Juice – Podcast RSS catcher; downloadeaza podcasturi audio automa. Yupii, no more wget keith_and_the_girl.mp3 🙂 CCleaner (fost CrapCleaner) – mi-a curatat 2 gigade junk! si eu care ma mandream ca imi curat temp-urile destul de des 🙁 Windows Media Player 11 – suna mai bine decat winamp-ul pe laptopul meu Thinking Rock2 Epsilon – organizarea…

  • Guess who’s back …

    Dupa multa lupta cu mine, ceasul, lista de task-uri si alte mici amanunte din viata unui programator angajat, dupa vreo cateva idei de a renunta sau de merge am reusit sa postez si pe blogul tehnic. Chiar vreo 2 lucruri 🙂 Intai de toate am terminat articolul despre cum sa iti faci propriul modul de…

  • Hai in tabara

    Nu, nu la tabara de la Cernavoda, nici la mare sau la munte, ci in inima Bucurestiului la FlexCamp Bucuresti. Ce mai e si asta? FlexCamp Bucuresti e un eveniment organizat de Adobe Romania unde cei interesati de Flex si AIR (daca nu ai idee ce sunt astea, probabil nu e pentru tine), chiar daca…

  • Remembering the good old days …

    Adik mai de prin facultate. Dupa o perioada de relativ calm am inceput iar sa fiu interesat in tot ce misca – programare, social web, semantic web, hardware, si cea mai noua chestie: consolele 🙂 Da, cred ca o sa urmeze o perioada in care o sa ma mai si joc putin, o sa ma…

  • Windows poate fi din nou cool

    Si sa faca si ceva bun in acelasi timp. Via Lifehacker am dat peste ShellEnhancer, un utilitar pentru Windows care stie tot felul de trucuri – comenzi activate prin miscarea cursorului in colturile ferestrei, un ALT-TAB mult imbunatatit si un mozaic task switcher care ajuta destul de mult cand ai o tona de ferestre deschise.…